KING WORLD INTERNATIONAL- Your Trusted Overseas Recruitment Partner
With over three decades of unwavering commitment and a legacy that speaks volumes, we have been at the forefront of providing unparalleled recruitment solutions to major industry sectors, serving esteemed clients in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and beyond.
At King World International, we’re committed to turning your travel dreams into unforgettable experiences. With our expertise in international travel planning, visa assistance, and worldwide money transfer, we offer seamless and reliable services to make your journey stress-free. Our dedicated team ensures every detail is managed with care, from ticketing and foreign exchange to personalized tours that match your travel style.
King World International is dedicated to bridging the gap between talent and opportunity on an international scale. With a commitment to sourcing skilled professionals.
We understand that travel can be complex, so our range of travel and support services is designed to simplify each step of your journey.